
Hi there, I’m Laura Beth.

I’m a 30-something Millennial out on the road, avocado toast and all, with my roommate and two pups to see the United States. We traded our ‘sticks and bricks’ lifestyle for an RV, setting out to learn a new way of living while we work remote right now.

Driving, setting up camp, cooking, hiking, exploring, working, exercising, reading, taking pictures…

…and some day, drawing pastels, fishing, taking good pictures.

So why the neon green hat? Originally a new running cap, I needed something obnoxiously bright to alert passing drivers I was huffing and puffing nearby. But now, I wear it all the time — driving, sight seeing, walking the pups. The hat is a daily part of life. My goal is to stake out this claim on internet real estate to share just that, daily life. Enjoy!